Make an Appointment: [email protected] | 406-304-0631

  • "Healthy Marriages, Healthy Families, Healthy Communities"


    Here at Healthy Marriage Foundation, we are driven by a single goal; to do our part in supporting Marriages and Families. We aim to support those, especially in the faith community, who are leaders of congregations needing support and safe spaces for their marriages, We strive to build productive relationships and make a positive impact with all of our pursuits.

    As this is done by our focus on the family and community and as a result become greater. We believe in our motivating mission:

    “Healthy marriages lead to healthy families and ultimately healthy communities”.

    About our Board Members

    Healthy Marriage Foundation is directed by a passionate and dedicated Board. God has commissioned us to be more like Christ in everything we do. With this commitment we are focused on accountability and being a good steward of the funds, time and talent of our team and Healthy Marriage Foundation.

    Let's connect online and get started!